Menu Grading Tool

Enhance The Digital Guest Experience With An Optimized Third-Party Delivery Menu

A user-friendly, optimized third-party menu adds to a customer’s journey. Our menu grader tool can give you a better picture of how to develop a high-converting digital menu, ensuring there is no money left on the table.

Get A Free Menu Audit

Do you feel something from your third-party delivery menu is missing? Enter your Doordash, GrubHub, or UberEats menu’s to better understand how your digital menu performs up against our best practices. We’ll give you a score from 0 to 100 with suggestions for how to optimize its performance.

Benefits of Chowly's Menu Audit:

Improved Menu Conversion Rates

Chowly’s menu grading tool helps make it easy for your guests to review their options, leading to increased basket size.

User Experience

By improving the readability of your menu, you’ll give your guests a more satisfactory experience, sparking their desire to return.

Menu Optimization

By pinpointing the aspects of your menu that have room to grow, you’ll be able to create a third-party menu that drives results.

Easy Ways You Can Optimize Your Menu

There are six ways to optimize your digital menu based on the criteria of Chowly’s free menu audit—from clear photography to concise copy.

Improve Menu Images

According to reports, digital menus with in-focus and well lit imagery can increase sales by up to 65%. Chowly’s POS Menu Sync can effortlessly pull images directly from your POS.

Restrict Menu Title Length

Efficiency is key – you only have a matter of seconds to grab the user’s attention. Titles of menu items should be concise and easy for customers to read.

All Menu Items Include a Description

Research shows 45% of the buying decision is triggered by the menu description, making or breaking your third-party menu. A creative description can leave customers craving your food, helping you make more sales.

Descriptions Are Easy to Read

Like titles, descriptions also need to be written in a concise manner, giving customers everything they need while using no more than 50-255 characters.

Standardize Menu Pricing

Studies show that consumers tend to associate prices that end in zero, five, or nine with good value. Through Chowly’s upcharge feature, we’ll enable you to offset commission fees by platform and automatically optimize your digital menu’s pricing.

Limit Menu Items Per Section

The easiest menus to navigate feature no more than 7-10 categories and under 10 choices per category. The Product Mix Report from Chowly’s Restaurant Control Center can help you identify and limit your third-party menu to your best-selling items.

Does Your Restaurant’s Digital Menu Make the Grade?

Understand how your restaurant’s digital menu performs with Chowly’s Menu Grading Tool.