Modernizing Restaurants
with Technology

Chowly connects the world of online ordering directly to the heartbeat of your restaurant: the POS System.


Chowly’s mission is to simplify technology for restaurants. Since our founding in 2015, that hasn’t wavered. Today we partner with restaurants of all sizes to help them leverage the best-in-class online ordering technology to optimize their sales and operations.

Core Values

Our culture is very important to us. Yes, we work hard – but because we genuinely like each other it hardly feels like work!

One Team

We win as a team and lose as a team.
While individual efforts should be measured and recognized, it’s all for naught if we don’t get the W as a team. We help those around us out when they need it and know a rising tide lifts all boats. When we win, we celebrate. And we celebrate together.


We never give up.
This company was founded in spite of the big tech companies (we have the cease and desist orders to prove it). We knew that if we sided with restaurants and provided them with value, we’d make it. Although we’ve had our setbacks, we don’t dwell. We are not victims. We continue to push boundaries, embrace challenges, stay positive, and became stronger for it.

Direct Communication

We believe good news travels fast, but bad news should travel faster.
To us, honest communication means we’re not afraid of tough conversations. We don’t tiptoe; we are direct, we are honest, and we listen. If we make a mistake, we raise our hand and say “I fucked up.” We explain the “why” behind decisions even if it’s not easy. We respect privacy, but we’re open and honest.


We do what we say we’re going to do, and done means it’s “done done”.
It's not done until it's signed. It's not done until it's deployed. It's not done until it's measured. We don't chase shiny objects or abandon work prematurely. We don't search for silver bullets, and we build things brick by brick, using data as our compass to stay disciplined and always moving in the right direction.

Push the Envelope

We act in ways that challenge the established norm.
Our creative spirit has made us market originators and has kept us market leaders. We are aggressive advocates of our restaurant customers and don’t wait around. We continually push for improvements as “the old way of doings things” is not good enough. We continue to develop new solutions that tackle the toughest challenges.

What People Are Saying About Us

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